Firm Description
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC provides insightful, cost-saving engineering solutions for bridges, buildings, dams and other infrastructure from our locations in Brentwood, New Hampshire and Wilmington, Massachusetts. SA was established in 1999. Over the past 20 years, Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC has provided engineering/consultation in all New England states.
We are certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office for Administration and Finance, Operational Services Division, Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) as a Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). We are similarly certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont, helping our clients meet their supplier diversity benchmarks.
Stephens Associates will provide quality work products and superior client service at a fair price. We will enhance our profession through edification. We will pursue work with qualifications-based selection criteria, and will meet or exceed the expectations of those clients that select us based on those criteria. We are stewards of our client’s needs, our profession, and the public trust. By taking a broader perspective while focusing on quality work and quality service, we will meet these objectives and establish ourselves as technical, professional practice and market leaders in structural and geotechnical engineering, geology, hydrology and hydraulics in New England.
Specializing in geotechnical, structural and seismic engineering, geology, hydraulics and hydrology of public and private sector facilities, our staff have experience on small- to large-scale projects on both the east and west coasts of the US as well as overseas. Our innovative designs and direct involvement in construction meet client’s goals, protect public safety, reduce construction and maintenance cost, and meet regulatory criteria. Our experience includes projects for national and local public agencies, municipalities and private sector clients including seismic, structural, geotechnical, and hydrologic/hydraulic engineering and geological evaluations of existing/historic structures. Our design capabilities include finite element modeling for evaluation of movement-sensitive facilities such as dam and slope stability and seepage, as well as numerical modeling of hydrology and hydraulics.

Bethel A.H. Stephens, PE | President
Bethel Stephens, PE serves as President and Principal Engineer for Stephens Associates' structural engineering and consulting services. She has experience on a wide variety of structural projects including evaluation and design of concrete, steel, wood and masonry structures. Ms. Stephens has evaluated damaged and deficient structures and designed the required repairs, including seismic evaluation of existing structures and seismic retrofit design.

Robert S. Stephens, PE, PG | Principal Engineer
Robert Stephens, PE is Principal Engineer for Stephens Associates' geotechnical/geological, earthquake and dams consulting services. Mr. Stephens has performed geotechnical, geological, geophysical, earthquake and environmental engineering, hydraulics and/or hydrology on civil works, including buildings and infrastructure, in the United States and overseas.