SA consults on solar canopy foundations
Various locations, MA
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) has consulted on foundations for proposed solar canopies at numerous sites, guiding projects through investigation, evaluation, design and construction-phase services. More...

SA designs partial dam removal
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) is consulting on partial removal of a dam in Vermont, including dam inspection, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, evaluation of campus flooding, FEMA benefit-cost analysis (BCA), permitting, and preparation of design plans for construction of the partial removal.

SA performs rock slope engineering
South Berwick, ME
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) consulted on a rock excavation and designed an engineered rock slope to assist our client in reducing project costs while fast-tracking construction. More...

Mill Road Bridge construction completed
Exeter River, Brentwood, NH
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) designed bridge repairs and successfully shepherded the project through construction, with a creative approach which resulted in signficant cost savings for the Town of Brentood, NH in repair of this 31-ft. span metal plate arch culvert bridge constructed in 1967.

SA consults on Expedient Seepage Mitgation
Waterville Valley, NH
SA responded to emergency seepage at the Town's wastewater treatment facility lagoon dike, quickly engineering a practical, readily constructible soil buttress and pipe drain to stabilize the embankment and coordinated with NHDES regulators to work seamlessly with the Town. SA designed the buttress to use construction materials readily-available near the Site by field-testing particle gradation of existing and proposed soils, observed construction, and performed field survey.

SA consulting on Swains Lake Dam drawdown
Barrington, NH
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) is consulting with the Town to facilitate seasonal and flood-related drawdown of Swains Lake, in consideration of the hydraulic limitations imposed by downstream road crossings, and develop operating criteria for the Dam.

Client-focused and committed to excellence and safety in the face of Covid-19
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) has quickly adapted to the challenges and disruptions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and is prepared to continue providing seamless service to our clients while maintaining the health and safety of our employees and business partners. More...

SA consults on urgent repairs to private dam in southeast NH
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) is consulting on urgent repairs on this 100-ft. long dam experiencing a clogged spillway and internal erosion, and providing recommendations for further evaluation, design, and construction.

Construction commences on Peterborough, NH dam and bridge
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) will observe construction of repairs to the Dam, review Contractor submittals and requests for information, and consult on construction issues. SA previously evaluated alternatives including decommissioning, inspected the dam, evaluated hydrology and hydraulics for the dam and downstream bridge, and designed dam repairs. More...

SA provides geotechnical consultation for Melrose, MA YMCA
Stephens Associates Consulting Engineers, LLC (SA) consulted on construction-phase geotechnical issues for a new elevator pit constructed in challenging ground conditions, in a sensitive historic building orignally built in 1894.

SA completes EAPs for multiple dams in advance of DCR Office of Dam Safety deadline
SA prepared Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for multiple dams, assisting owners in meeting deadlines and Dam Safety Orders issued by MA DCR Office of Dam Safety. SA prepared EAPs following MA DCR ODS's new regulations and FEMA guidance, with dam breach analysis and inundation mapping. SA coordinated with our clients, dam owners, and other stakeholders to meet the recently revised Massachusetts Dam Safety Regulations requiring EAPs for signficant hazard dams.

LNG Plant Construction Completed in Connecticut
SA provided structural engineering design and construction services for this federally-regulated LNG vaporization system. More...

Reservoir Pond Dam Construction Complete
SA designed repairs to Reservoir Pond Dam to mitigate persistent uncontrolled seepage and pass the 500-year design flood, and completed permitting, bidding, and construction oversight. More...

Old Shepard Street Dam Construction Complete
SA designed repairs, secured permits, and administered bidding and construction of Old Shepard Street Dam to replace spillway concrete and improve overtopping resistance in the 100-year design flood. More...

SA awarded MA state-wide, multi-year Engineering Services Contract PRF69
The Contract prequalified SA for Civil, Coastal, Construction, Geotechnical, Structural, Dams, and Water Resources engineering services throughout Massachusetts on wide-ranging public infrastructure projects. More...

MA recertifies SA as WBE and DBE
SA has maintained certification as WBE/DBE in Massachusetts since 2000. SA also maintains a disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) status in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. More...

Pipeline Corrosion
SA prepared a brief overview of coated pipeline external corrosion.

Loon Pond Dam Construction Completion
SA inspected and evaluated Loon Pond Dam, designed reconstruction, prepared permits and oversaw reconstruction. More...

State Awards Grant Funding Levee Repairs
Town of Canton awarded grant and low-interest loan for Neponset River Flood Reduction System, Canton, MA from Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs Dam and Seawall Repair and Removal Fund. SA assisted Town in preparing application for funding. More...

Construction completed at Shepard Pond Dam
Continuing our services as Dam Engineering consultant for Town of Canton, SA managed and observed dam reconstruction full-time on-site. More...

State Awards Grant Funding Dam Repairs
Town of Canton awarded grant and loan totaling $1M for repairs to Shepard Pond Dam, Canton, MA from Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs Dam and Seawall Repair and Removal Fund. SA prepared Town's application for funding. More...